Welcome back, Sara!!!! It's just great to have you back!

And this is a delightful story. Wonderful.

The woman was staring at him. Staring as if...

He didn't have any clothes on.

And he didn't.

Have any clothes on.
This is priceless!!! Oh, so sweet and funny! (Of course, we have to feel a little sorry for the poor man who doesn't know who he is, and is naked before a woman to boot....)

The way she kept looking at him... like she was trying not to look. And her heart would race ever so faster every time she snuck a peek. She obviously knew him, and... liked him?

Well, that would be a good thing; he wasn't immune to her, either. Of course, she was fully clothed while he wasn't, but he couldn't deny the way his heart rate had increased and his breathing had become just a touch quicker. And it wasn't from the hike up five flights of stairs.

"I've been here before, right?"

She ducked her head a bit and stepped around him awkwardly to shut the door. Was she blushing?

"Yeah, of course, Superman. You know that..."
Awww, the darling awkwardness....

He shook his head slightly. "Okay, why do you keep calling me Superman? Is it some sort of... private joke or something? A nickname? Please tell me I don't call myself that."

Her brow creased and she cocked her head. "That's... your name, Superman. Don't you..." She trailed off, and then her eyes widened. "You don't remember, do you? Anything."

"I... no, I guess I don't. But..." He tried to keep the slight whimper from invading his voice. "Superman?"
Oh, poor, poor - man who doesn't know who he is yet.... That slight whimper in his voice just got to me.

She needed to stop staring. She really needed to stop staring. This was Superman. In need of help. And she was taking advantage of the fact that he was more than half...

"Let me see if I can find you some clothes or something, Supe-" He started to wince. "I'll see what I can scrounge up."
Aww, you gotta love Lois here, too....

She rushed off to her bedroom, resisting the urge to shut the door behind her and freak out.

He'd landed outside her apartment. Her breath caught. *Her* apartment. That... had to mean something, didn't it? Sure, he'd made a huge crater next to her dumpster and didn't have a clue who he was, but he'd *been* heading her direction before he conked his head.

And that had to mean something.

He trusted her. He'd obviously been in some sort of distress, and he'd trusted her to help him. He just hadn't realized how much help he would need.
Aaww, I just totally love this!!!

And it wasn't like she had any men's clothing around. Not even Clark's, though Superman was far broader in the shoulders, anyway. Taller, too.
That's what you think, Lois. razz

Though maybe he liked the bright and flashy colors. A brief image of Superman in neon pink bike shorts and a equally loud top flashed through her mind. She stifled a giggle.

Did you... uh..." Eyes on his face, Lane.

"Maybe you want to shower while I'm gone. There are clean towels in there, and hopefully I'll be back by the time you're done... otherwise you'll be sitting in a towel, which I just told you was... It shouldn't take me too long."
Maybe she'll recognize him when he's wearing only a towel?

"All right. I think I can manage that." He ran a hand through his hair and let out a deep breath. "Thank you for... all of this, Ms...?"

Oh. Right. He didn't... know her. No reason for that to bother her. Really. He didn't even know his own name.

"Lane. Lois Lane. But you call me Lois."
Bond. James Bond. But you can call me... naaahh.

He smiled that familiar smile of his. "Thank you, Lois. And... be sure to pass along my gratitude to your friend Clark."

She couldn't help but smile back. "He's your friend, too, but I'll let him know."
She couldn't help but smile back - aww, it's adorable!

Either Clark wasn't home, or he slept like a rock. His neighbors didn't; that was for sure. She scowled. More than one had stuck their head out the door and yelled for her to shut up. Didn't they realize what was at stake here? The world needed their superhero. And he needed clothes.

She made her way past the couch and picked up the picture he kept on his end table. Him and her line dancing at the Smallville Corn Festival. Something Martha had snapped when they hadn't been paying attention. She looked so happy, carefree.

"Where are you, Clark?" She ran her hand down the glass over his image.
So sweet... and so full of longing, and perhaps regrets....

Clark had a... a... She stepped around to look at the opposite side.

A secret compartment...

And half a dozen of Superman's suits.
Ahhhh!!! Evil cliffhanger!!!

How will Lois react? Will she be angry? C'mon, Lois, right now the man who might have provoked your anger is a helpless amnesiac after having saved the world from Nightfall, and he is in your apartment, probably wearing only a towel....

Please hurry back with more, Sara!
