Well, Nancy, it's no secret that I'm more interested in some of the characters in your story than in others, so let me talk about those who interest me!

Right now, my hands-down favorites are Chloe and Ben. I love how you've written their young love. They are such sweet, good kids, and in their own way, they are mature, too. I absolutely loved how Chloe handled that drunk driver. I admired how she managed to keep her "Blue Fairy" activity a secret from Ben, too. But maybe she should tell him. Having to listen to Ben's hero worship of Superman must be a little... frustrating, perhaps?

Ben, too, is a splendidly good kid. I love how he supports his mother. I love how he is gentlemanly enough to want to pay for Chloe when they go out together, but I loved it even more that he was able to swallow his pride and accept money from Chloe for his mother's sake. I also love that he is so close to his mother, and that he tells her more or less everything. His mother seems to be a good person too, and I'm sure she is trying to steer Ben down the straight and narrow path.

Now, the fact is that Ben and Chloe have had sex. Like Maria said, Chloe is too young to play around, that's true. But it's also true that from a physical, biological point of view, her body is ready for sex. Yes, it would have been much better if she had waited, but I'm not going to bawl her out because she didn't. The thing is that she and Ben love each other very, very much - I love how you have described their love.

Now Chloe is apparently pregnant. I find this situation absolutely fascinating. Chloe doesn't know, and doesn't want to realize, that she is pregnant, but she is bound to find out soon enough. I believe it's too late for her to have an abortion (and from what you have said of abortions on other occasions on the boards, Nancy, I wouldn't expect you to allow Chloe to have an abortion). The way you have written Chloe, too, makes me feel that Chloe herself wouldn't abort a child she was carrying.

So, Ben and Chloe are going to be parents - at sixteen. It happens. Right now, I teach a seventeen-year-old girl who is the mother of a 16-month-old boy. The girl is a conscientious student and a caring and responsible mother. Like I said, these things happen. It will be extremely interesting to see how the story of Ben and Chloe will unfold.

I'm also eager to see more of Claire. How will she deal with having been raped? Will she testify against Alex? (Yes, I really think she will.) What will that be like? What will happen to her relationship with Trace? How will she react when she learns that Chloe is pregnant? How will "the sisterhood of the twins" be affected by this?

Right now, I don't feel quite so eager to see more of Los and Mari. I have the feeling that their relationship is a doomed one, and I don't get very big kicks out of unhappy love stories. Oh, well. Chloe and Ben, and Claire, with or without Trace, are going to keep me interested for a long time. (Oh, and... there's Jon and Hannah, too!! Yes!!!)
