You know Woody - I personally would love to be a fly on her wall (even just to peek over her shoulder and watch her write) but if we were all flies on her wall - she'd probably just call an exterminator because there would be so stinkin' many of us. <g> And yes, steam is good for a cold. laugh

Thanks Yvonne! Glad you liked it.

Hi Lisa! Mean? Mean? Did you forget who you were reading? <g> Even if I'm being funny, I still have to be a little ornery. Thanks.

Ambar, I'll reiterate what I said to Lisa - whomever told you that I'm nice? Hmmmm? wink But since this is for Sue, I'll let her make the decision. <g> Thanks for the fdk. Glad you're enjoying it.

Roo! Hi. Glad you like it. Thanks.

Hi Jojo! I'm sorry <DJ hugs Jojo> Glad that the story could cheer you up a little.

Hi there Lara! Sorry about the confusion on the season 3 thing - I'll get right on that and whip out a little rewrite before it goes to the archive. It made more sense to me in my head goofy See what happens when I don't have Sue doing BR for me? But I just couldn't ask her to do it for this story.

Oh, the little sick story you wrote for yourself was so cute. Sue mentioned to me in some private fdk (after I told her a little about the ending) that perhaps I could write a series of these, based on different authors (she was kidding <g>) wouldn't that be funny?

Oh, and I'm *evil*? Well good, glad to know I haven't lost my touch. <g> I seriously hope you didn't wait up all night (heh) hoping that I'd post the finale - it's not quite finished yet (see note below...)

Thanks for the fdk Lara - glad you're loving it.

Hi Ann! Thank you for all that fdk - I had to giggle at the "how will I have time to comment" comment. <g>

What's he been reading? The lake scene from Revisionist History? The supply closet scene from Faustian Bargain? The upcoming steamy scene from Platonic - did he get to see that before us, Sue? [Razz]
Ummm.... we'll just leave that up to everyone's imaginations... it's even better that way I think. <g>

Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh, poor Sue, we are laughing at your expense now, but this is just so deliciously funny!
No, no, no - we're laughing *with* her. <g>

She writes down, "I wish Clark Kent would kiss me"? [Eek!]
Did I say that? For all you know she could have written: I wish Clark Kent would French me - or - I wish Clark would get to third base - or - I wish Clark would ravish me (as Sue mentions below). Hee hee, all those choices would involve "kissing". I thought I'd leave it up to everyone's own imaginations... I expected better from you, Ann. wink

quote: Her mind whirled. “They say that opportunity often knocks but if you’re not listening then it’s really just noise.”

What a perfect saying. And Sue - or DJ - made it up?
Heh - Babbles, my muse, made it up - and it seriously doesn't do Sue justice. But as a writer, I could see her making up her *own* line to give to Clark. <g>

What do you mean I can't "leave you there"? Have you forgotten who you're dealing with here? This story might be all fun and games... but I'm still the evil apprentice. <g> Thanks Ann!

SUE! SUE!!!! I seriously hope you get to feeling better soon, otherwise I might have to write an epilogue to the story. wink

Wet hair, towel and single-digit outside temps be damned.

Yes, Sue, I can only *imagine* what you *really* wrote. That's why I left the line out. <g>

And I'm sure you'd be willing to do a little research in that notebook for me, if need be... if it would make you feel better, Sue, I think you should research that notebook so you can imagine just what particular scene you caught Clark reading in it... <g> Thanks for the fdk and tell that cold that I said it is not taking up permanent residency! Poor Sue...

Hi Laurah. Thanks for the fdk. You're comment cracked me up. Naughty, naughty Laura! <g>

Okay, everyone, the ending is currently under rewrite. I had originally planned to include the kiss, but then out of a flushed and embarrassed face, I took it out. But due to some private fdk from Sue...I'm doing a bit of a rewrite. <g> Hopefully you all will enjoy.

Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments and fdk. I'm just tickled that everyone enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. <g>

-- DJ angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.