What's he been reading? The lake scene from Revisionist History? The supply closet scene from Faustian Bargain? The upcoming steamy scene from Platonic - did he get to see that before us, Sue?
I bought that notebook last summer and it has (among other things) choice bits of Faustian Bargain (including the kitchen interlude and the alternate part ten), most of the Proof series, a WIP that Arawn suggested and, yes, various naughty bits of Platonic. Trust me, if Clark was reading that notebook I would have turned around and left the house. Wet hair, towel and single-digit outside temps be damned. I wouldn't be able to face anyone who found that notebook. blush
“Write something else with it.”
In point of fact, I'm *certain* what I really wrote was "I wish Clark Kent would ravish me." But, I understand, DJ has to keep it clean. wink

Sue (perfectly willing to do a little "research" in the name of fic - especially if it's to verify the kitchen interlude) dance

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis