Okay, Sue, I'm going to start the fdk thread on the PG side because I know you'll have plenty of fdk on the nth side - besides, this part was PG anyway. blush

I know I already briefly mentioned this in my beta - but I loved the part with the pillow!!! drool How wonderfully sweet was that? Clark didn't want her to have to rest her head on the hard ground again tonight, so he went to get her a pillow. And when he couldn't get *her* pillow, he brought her his pillow. <major drool> I just love the 'sense of smell' and I can only imagine if that pillow smelled like Clark - how incredible it must have smelled to Lois (angry or not). <g>

Although, Clark is Superman, surely he could have found a way to get into her apartment and get her pillow... but then again, maybe he wanted her to sleep on his pillow <waffy sigh>.

Anyway, that was just a really nice scene so I thought I'd prattle on about it for a few minutes.

-- DJ angel-devil

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.