Happy New Year!

Clark called Perry some time later, telling him of the news with a shaking voice, and telling him that he was going to Smallville for a few days, and was planning on staying around for a couple weeks to help his mom with the farm and to try and recover some control over his life. Perry wasn’t pleased—Lois had come in the day before and seemed hard set on finding out who this “Boss” was, and finding where Superman was on top of that, and it was a big story even for Mad-Dog Lane. Clark reluctantly and guiltily offered to hand in his resignation, understanding that Perry could hardly let one of his reporters go for so long, but the editor was resistant.

“Listen, Kent. I didn’t need you when I hired you. My budget was tight enough as it was, and I had a full staff. But you came bumbling in here and made me give you a job, and you know what? That’s fine. The stories you’ve helped bring in have boosted our sells enough to make it worth it. So you go on and take care of what you need, but be back here by the 27th ready to get me some front-page exclusives.”
I find it hard to believe that Perry would come off so cold--even toward someone that he wasn't really close to. Just my opinion though. I've always seen Perry as the ultimate softy. smile

Once she found the man, he had better pray that Superman was back to his full strength to protect him, because only he would be strong enough to stop Lois from getting her hands on him first.
laugh Loved this! Sometimes, Lois in Mad Dog Lane mode can be a good thing!

Perry frowned. “Now that’s what I don’t get,” he said, sitting back. “Superman disappears, then reappears to do a single rescue before disappearing again. Crime’s shot up faster than a speeding bullet, if you don’t mind me saying, and both the police and the fire force of the city are downright overwhelmed. Where is he?”
Yes, Lois, where is he? Clark's supposed to be the dense one (as in molecular structure). What's your excuse?

“Lois, Lois, Lois. You’ve been missing, and I…well…” He gave a sort of chuckle. “I’ve been worried about you. How about dinner. Tonight.”

“Lex, I’m on a story,” Lois said.

“Of course. No doubt you’re quite busy.” That same tone again. He sounded almost…amused. “Busy tracking down Bureau 39 and their affiliates. Well, then. This Friday?”


“I understand you’re tired, Lois, but come now. Working yourself to death will hardly help you recover from your latest ordeal. Friday. I really insist.”

“Not this week, Lex.”

“Next Friday then.”
Can I just stomp on him? Kick him? I wish Lois would swat him away like a pesky fly. Just say no, Lois!

thumbsup Great part. Looking forward to the next!

Silence is golden.
Duct tape is silver.

~Saw it on a T-Shirt.