It was worth the wait. You're really good at portraying all sides of Lois, even though I thought she (and Perry too) were a little too cold with their condolences to Clark's loss. With Perry, I guess he hasn't become so attached to Clark yet, and has to play hardball boss. Even though Lois has to keep her defenses up, I would think she would give Clark a little more than a wave off. I forget though if this takes place before she goes to Smallville and meets his parents.

Not complaining how the story is going at all. This is excellent writing. Are you majoring in English or Writing. If not, you should. I have a 17 year old who's getting ready to start college this fall, loves to write and is considering this field.

Anyway, enough personal babbling. Hopefully Lois will figure out that the note was brought by clark. And maybe she will be nicer to Jimmy. Naaa.


Happy New Year