Uhh, Uhh, Lara get through with it, soon.
I'm trying, I'm trying! frown

From Ann's feedback -
Please forgive me for my salacious imagination, and in return I'll try to remember that this is the PG folder.... But, I must say, I've always found it strange that that suit of his could reveal so much of his pectorals, but so little or nothing of, uh, more protruding parts of his anatomy. Ah, well. Don't mind me.
Girl... you so totally crack me up!

But I have to say... seriously... I have pics where said protruding parts are quite visible and, trust me, it's the first place I looked... In fact I had an image like that which I had to "photoshop" because I wanted to use it as my wallpaper on my computer and the protruding parts were SO distracting I could never have gotten any work done if I hadn't retouched the photo. Needless to say, I spent the whole entire time working on the image blushing like an idiot, cause... well... I was touching him in those places! gah!! That's so much worse than trying to write a little innocent kiss. wink

And...in my opinion, the pectorals are hidden by the super huge S on his chest anyway...

Clark could use his powers and was really able to help. He didn’t need to be afraid that anyone would see him doing those things. Superman could just do them. He had set Clark Kent free.
Like Ann said.... I love this one. smile It's very poetic - and it's also very true.

At least Superman wasn’t dangerous territory…unlike Clark Kent.
Oh, the irony! wink

“No, Lois, it was not me,” he answered and then turned towards the window again.
tsk, tsk! Clark, how dare you lie to her? It was you... only it wasn't Superman-you.. it was just-Clark-you.


smile I love this story! Did you know? Really!! I love it!!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies