I very much like this chapter, Barbara!

So if neither of them had any interest in a relationship, why should he bother? Except, he liked her and the more he knew of her, the stronger the attraction became. Clark dreamt of her almost every night. When he didn’t, it was because he was too tired to dream or because Becca kicked him in the side.
I just adore this!! clap

Clark could use his powers and was really able to help. He didn’t need to be afraid that anyone would see him doing those things. Superman could just do them. He had set Clark Kent free.
Love the observation that Superman had set Clark free.

She was the first living being that had ever seen Superman; she had been in two burning buildings in only four days and the rumor was that Lois had been the target of both arsons. It was silly and Lois new better, but landlords all over Metropolis believed it and were afraid that their houses would be the next to burn down.
Ouch! I can see that it would be hard for Lois to get herself an apartment!

Lois owed him her life. She felt a special bond towards him that she couldn’t quite explain. It was strange. There was attraction and curiosity but also something else. Lois couldn’t name it - she wasn’t even sure it really was anything. It was too complicated to think about. At least Superman wasn’t dangerous territory…unlike Clark Kent.
I love how Lois thinks of the attraction she doesn't understand, and which she feels for a man she doesn't know... Clark Superman Kent.

Lois sighed and looked out the window, into the darkness of the night. What she saw made her gasp. *He* was hovering in front of her window. Superman! Lois couldn’t believe it. That was impossible. She had been trying to get to him for almost three weeks, and now he was just in front of her window as if it was a natural thing to do. When he realized that she had seen him, his face turned dark red. Superman blushed? That seemed even more unrealistic. Lois was afraid that he might leave right this moment.
Love it! And I totally adore how Superman blushes!

“Wait!” she shouted.

Would he hear her? The window had glass with noise insulation.
No, she wouldn't know about his superhearing, would she?

Lois’ heart sank. She rushed over to the window. How could she keep him from flying away?
I can feel Lois's utter frustration and her feeling that something wonderful is about to slip from her hands. Great writing!

Superman didn’t doubt that he was right. He looked amazing from such a close distance. The fabric of his suit didn’t leave much to imagination. The muscles in his arms were just breathtaking. His pectorals were firm.
Please forgive me for my salacious imagination, and in return I'll try to remember that this is the PG folder.... But, I must say, I've always found it strange that that suit of his could reveal so much of his pectorals, but so little or nothing of, uh, more protruding parts of his anatomy. Ah, well. Don't mind me.

“Thank you for saving me,” Lois replied. It was a start, at least.

“You’re welcome, Lois.”

His warm voice sent a pleasant shiver down her spine. He was so gentle…how could a man with such strength be so gentle?
I love her pleasant shiver down her spine. laugh

Ah, well! What a nice chapter! Please come back with more soon, Barbara.
