A note about ordering pizza by email: This was a fairly new concept during the time period this is set in.
Pizza Hut? wink You know they hold the record for the 1st pizza ever ordered online... 1994... I reseached that while writing "Wrestle Me That". LOL

There is also an nfic version.
I may or may not read it - don't hold it against me if I don't comment there... You know me... I scare easy. *lol*

“My name is Kal-El, Lois.”
Please... can I kick him? Please?
mad mad Your name is CLARK... Dummy!!

Was he a policeman? A physician? A rich philanthropist?
Dunno about the physician, but he was a policeman in a movie (hehe!) and a rich philantropist in an alternate universe of mine. hehehe! laugh Love it!!

Oh, my how she’d love to reach out and rip that towel off his hips.
So would I... So would I... blush

“You *iron* the suit?”
this got me into a fit of giggles

WHAT? You mean this ends without her knowing he's Clark? Silly man. Blind girl... Give us a sequel, please!!!!!

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies