Well, I can completely understand why Clark hadn't told Lois who he is. He couldn't when he was in captivity due to the monitoring. Then, he was "brain-washed" into thinking he was a freak - less than human. They took his self-worth from him. Then Lois blows off Clark to Clark when he said something about himself to her.

He's been shattered, and he's running away. Which makes the scene with his Mother so much better. He realizes he's found one of two people in the world who know and love him for the real person he is. The combination of Clark Kent and Superman. His ability to trust in anyone else was removed once the knives came out, as surly as if they cut it out.

Some constructive comments... I'm far from an expert in language arts, but there were several simple mistakes in this section that a quick re-edit will take care of. Didn't distract too much from the read. The biggest problem is that the sections are TOO SHORT!


However, each section is totally riveting, and wonderful. Plus, the fact that your posting regularly helps one get through the lonely times.

