I am reviewing again - twice in one day - AMAZING! And yes, I am a TRUE LURKER.

Excellent part! There is much angst in my soul as I wonder what in heavens name Lois is going to find when she get's to Clarks house. So many ways the story could go. It's like an old Choose Your Own Adventure book I used to read as a kid. I love how you have created a "cliffhanger" so to speak after just about every chapter. It keeps me coming back for more. smile

As for you not posting tomorrow.......I will find it in my heart to forgive you since there is over a foot of new powder up in the mountains above "Happy Valley" and I would give much to be up on the slopes with you tomorrow.

Also, what a small world "Happy Valley" girl....Yes, not only do I live in Utah, but I also live in "Happy Valley" - Springville to be exact. (Been here my whole life smile ) COOL!

Thanks again