I tend to be a lurker, not deeming my humble comments to be especially useful; so I rarely append to the FDK threads here, even when I think a story is praiseworthy. (I know it's just laziness, but I yam wat I yam...)
I've always kind of felt this way myself! I'm sooo lazy when it comes to posting comments. But I don't really read in parts anymore because of lack of time. That's another reason I've been behind on my posting.

Another reason I've been behind is that I wanted to finish converting the story over for gfic. I tend to write stories in nfic, even have a couple that have no gfic version (which I'm planning to rectify soon- maybe over Christmas break.)

And I do have to admit I've been dragging my feet because of the lack of feedback on this side. But since I've been so humbly blessed with such great praise, I'm going to catch this story up so ALL my readers will be happy again.

Accept my apologies and enjoy!