When Galaxies Divide 13

Okay, I haven't had a chance to read this great story yet, but I did find part 13 for you.

Send SQD an email or a PM telling her that you want to see the next parts.

I tend to be a lurker, not deeming my humble comments to be especially useful; so I rarely append to the FDK threads here, even when I think a story is praiseworthy. (I know it's just laziness, but I yam wat I yam...)
Oh, Snave you should not feel that your comments aren't useful. I find ALL of my comments useful and helpful. Post feedback even if it's just a smiley. You could not believe how much an author appreciates it. Of course, feedback is not required, but the writers of these stories truly appreciate every bit they can get!!!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~