The light turned green, and Lois opened the door.

To find herself looking right into a very startled looking guard’s face.
OH WOW!! grumble .

I need one of those thingys that will give me internet where ever I go but not cost the earth. I need my fix as soon as it is available. Would a Blackberry do it?

I can't believe that evil man. It's great that you have made him so evil you know! It makes it even more torturous just thinking how evil can get become. I'm giddy like a little girl wanting to know how our awesome Lois is going to get out of there. I was so hopeful, but it just seemed too easy, when she spotted the card. The thought of the doctor cutting Lois' finger or hand off actually entered my mind. Or he'd do that and WHAM! She'd let him have it. Mind you then the guards would get her...okay maybe that little fantasy of letting the baddie get it isn't that ... productive.

And kryptonite radiation? How cruel can a single person be? I definitely don't like Logram.
Isn't he!!!!

I find this man such a horrific piece of work. Thanks for freaking the pants off me man! This one will be going in my 'terrify me' folder. This one not only freaks me out but makes me grin. It is sooo interesting to see the gang get out of trouble. They will won't they? I guess if not, make it heroic and out with a bang, but there is nothing more satisfying than seeing the bad guy either dead or passed on to Henderson and have our two lovebirds duel it out and eventually kiss and make up. I don't think they will be up to 'duelling' but I'm there for whatever sort of angst will be around the next corner.

*angst* angst * angst*
<thumping fists on the table>

Hmm, me thinks. Maybe the guard isn't a bad guard but a good guard? mecry


Um...in an attempt to save face and hopefully still get a few reviews tomorrow from the readers who are still speaking to me...chapter 15 should be posted tomorrow morning. <hopeful grin>
OH WHAT! What is this beautiful, perfect, wondrous piece of news!!! The thought of waiting and then not having to is so so evil and yet it makes the next chapter so much sweeter. I'll be up at 5:30 AM central time to work-out so hopefully after I'm done (but before work) I shall check the boards! Yeeehaw. Hmmm, this isn't an Nfic so I can most definitely check while I'm at work too. It's the mad year end rush and since I'm not really taking a lunch I soooooo deserve a small reading break. Mind you I wouldn't care if it was a long reading break *hint* hint*.

Does that sound a little bit crazy? I'm chilly and drank too much diet cola (caffine!!). Silly me.

BYE!!!! laugh

P.S. Please let them live. I would love to see them interact afterwards *sniffle*.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.