hail Oh be kind to us and spare us tha angst of your alliance. We bow to your greatness hail

Seriously, if you do pair up, don't be too hard on us. At least there would be only one tearjerking story at a time. Though the current too are excellent, it seems like you read one and you feel like as much angst as there is, you can handle it. Then the other one comes in with more, and you have to breathe deeply a bit and remind yourself it will be okay.

It will be okay, right? Right?

(Great stories)

I think, therefore, I get bananas.

When in doubt, think about time travel conundrums. You'll confuse yourself so you can forget what you were in doubt about.

What's the difference between ignorance, apathy, and ambivalence?
I don't know and I don't care one way or the other.