Ah. So you're a doctor, Bakasi? Ah, yes. Very nice.

I actually did do a little research and found that the bone sample was usually taken from the hip...but...uh, well, to avoid any...unpleasant...views...I thought I'd be a little creative and do his leg so the position wouldn't be so...awkward. I tried to justify it to myself that, if my memory serves me rightly, the femur produces most of the blood cells for the body.

Okay, I'm geeking out here. Besides, I realized that the muscle in the leg and all would provide more opportunity for angst. I hope it worked out all right, and was credible enough...

For anyone worrying about a sudden and abrupt ending to this story right after the physical ending, you can stop worrying. Honestly, this story looks like it's going to be stretching out to perhaps even 50K words, or more (maybe much more, but I don't want to overestimate and perhaps disappoint), and after that...maybe even a sequel.

Did I really just start this fic a little more than a week ago? When have I found time for this? When am I going to find time for this? Arghh!! splat

...Sorry about that. Anyways, thanks for reviewing...
