Maybe it was just a logo, like the BMW propeller blade or the Mercedes star, something that would be found on many Kryptonian spaceships. It could mean anything or nothing, really, and as he fingered it, he remembered what his mother had said, that since he didn’t know what it meant, he would need to be the one to make it mean something.
The first part is funny, the second part ... I don't know what word to use. Touching? Very good, anyway.

"his bits and pieces" - LOL! CK is not of the "if you've got it, flaunt it" school of thought.

He’d spent the night trussed up in the clothing of two separate identities, and when the moment finally came to cast off one and become the other, he’d reacted instinctively as Clark Kent and forgotten the other guy completely.
A great line explaining who this man really is.

“You like him,” Lucy said, grinning from ear to ear. “Which means, once we put it through the Lois Lane translator, that you’re hopelessly, passionately in love.”

“Which is about as romantic as overgrown armpit hair.” Lucy rolled her eyes.

A great chapter that tells us a lot about the inner workings of these people. Love it!

lisa in the sky with diamonds