Thanks everyone! sloppy

Meowoof would have asked to come play, but since the cat wasn’t real, I don’t guess she can. jump
hehehe! Had it been a real cat, I would have loved for it to be Meowoof. smile

May your journey be free of incident…
I know, I know!!! (Okay, I cheated and found it in the wikipedia, but I really did have a pretty good idea already.)
Yeah, I kinda figured *you* would know. smile

I went looking for a link between that and Superman... I'm still looking for one between the character who says that in the movie, but I did find something that was rather surprising. Seems as though Sharon Thomas had a small role in Star Trek III. I guess I'll be spending the evening looking for her scene tonight. hehe!

Ooohh... Awesome. Lana is really going to push him into the open, eh?
She's going to give it a really really big push, definitely.

The ball is not going to be a square dance - though that could have been very amusing!

And you guys are so going to love the scene where Lois find out the guy trimming the hedges isn't who she thought he was. It's coming in part 5. Part 5 is probably the best one of the whole story. hehehehe! smile

Part 4 is coming today. You will be getting:
- some more of Kathryn (she's the a-plot, don't you know...)
- Lana working her magic wink
- Lex being obnoxious (of course!)
- Lois hiding out in the bathroom to read the last chapter of "Across the Dunes"

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies