Thanks for the comments! At the risk of sounding like a broken record: they mean the world to me. smile

This chapter was awesome! I am wondering how Lana will arrange for Clark to socialize...a ball, maybe?
Yup. Exactly. (Clark's version of the Orchid Ball, I suppose you could call it.)

Now why is it that Lana isn't all over him like she usually is? Good thing she's not.
I just didn't want her to throw herself at him. Anyway, since he's had to care for her while she was still a minor, I don't think she really sees him in a way that she would do that. Hey, it's an "elseworld" thing. wink

Lisa - I'm so thrilled you like that little description of his feelings. smile I'm rather proud of that bit of dialog, so I'm glad to know it "worked".

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies