Well, Lara, Jon and Zared both wear black. And I’ve established that they both look an awful lot like their daddy. Then there’s Los (and K'al), but they look more like a mix of Zara and Clark - mostly Zara. (And believe when I say that. If you have ever seen a pic of Justine Bateman's brother, you'd know what I mean. I'll see if I can find one.)
Oh, yeah - he's a cutie, isn't he? smile
I was thinking Zared, when I said that. Cause since he looks like Clark and Clark looks to *die for* in black, well....

Well, guys if Mr. Spock shows up, well… that might be interesting. Maybe I’ll let Leonard Nimoy come visit instead.
So long as you leave William Shatner out of it - cause he usually gets the girl and... well, we don't want THAT, do we? wink

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies