Oh, my, I come back and Ann’s post showed up before mine did. Makes me look like I was ignoring you. Yikes. Thanks so much for your post!!

Nancy, I think your story must have the best "family feeling" ever of all LNC fanfics. In Clark's big, happy, generous family, everyone is important and everyone counts.
Thanks so much. Now if more people would just read it…

But there is one person who is not there in Clark's family, and who I, the world's greatest Lois fan, always miss so bitterly.
I know.

Well, I think Lois was unbelievably brave, considering she knew about her own impending death but managed to be a bright and happy center for her family all the same, concealing the truth of her looming demise while she was making preparations to help her children get on without her.
Yes, she was. I saw a news show years ago about a lady who knew she was dying. She made loads of videos for her kids. That’s where the idea came from.

Oh, oh, oh. How could it ever be a child's fault that his or her mother died while giving birth to this child? It can't ever be the baby's fault. It's not as if the baby asked to come into existence.
No, of course not, but the child might certainly feel that way.

So many things were fascinating in this chapter. I like Los more and more, and at the same time I like K'al less and less.
This has been my intent all along. K’al was raised to be the leader of NK. He is hard and tough.

A young man whom I like more and more is Jon. I love the fact that he is a good singer, and that he would care so much for his little sister that he would comfort her by writing a song for her. I was so shocked when he started bleeding so badly. I don't really think that anything truly bad will happen to him - I think that is the rule of your story, Lois is dead but no one else will die - so he will obviously survive, though it's not absolutely certain he will not suffer any ill effects afterwards.
Yes, but you are very observant. I’m planning something, but I’m not saying what. And yes, I like that bit about Jon letting Lara help him write a song about Tebby, too.

This is starting to feel like a classic "are you thinking what I'm thinking". LOL! Who do you think I meant? Huh? Huh? (or rather, who would YOU have as #1 on that list?)
Well, Lara (NO,NO. this is supposed to LOS), Jon and Zared both wear black. And I’ve established that they both look an awful lot like their daddy. Then there’s Los (and K'al), but they look more like a mix of Zara and Clark - mostly Zara. (And believe when I say that. If you have ever seen a pic of Justine Bateman's brother, you'd know what I mean. I'll see if I can find one.)

Well, guys if Mr. Spock shows up, well… that might be interesting. Maybe I’ll let Leonard Nimoy come visit instead.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~