Nice story, but I think that Lois was a little too forgiving where Clark was concerned. Clark's jealous streak has always been a big thing where his relationship with Lois was concerned he never did like seeing her with another man, but because he loved her and was always willing to give her what she wanted he never really actually would admit he was. Lois knew how Clark would react to her seeing someone else and used Patrick for that reason. Remember she admitted to Star that she loved Clark when they were talking about her thoughts one of them being her wedding. For her to actually ask Clark to look out for her doesn't seem to be in her character because in Contact she told Star that Clark worries too much and while she knew Clark did it because it was his nature, she felt she was capable of looking after herself.

But I really digress, and like I said before this is a nice window into them actually working together in an episode where they didn't. I also felt that when Clark brought up Lex, Lois probably should've actually been more angry given that the problem didn't really start with her seeing Patrick. If you remember in the beginning of the episode when Lois and Clark were going to the auction, Clark didn't really want her on the auction block and tried to outbid everyone until Patrick came in with that $10000 bid which of course Clark could in no way top.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller