Thank you Lisa! smile I'm so glad you thought this story was fun. Yay!! laugh

"No, you're not," he whispered before kissing her neck lightly, just above her shirt collar.
Oh, what I wouldn't give to be in her shoes right now!
Wouldn't we all!

I mean, seriously... I'd take a second mortgage for five minutes of that little fantasy, myself. And yeah, I know, this is making me look awfully pathetic!

You mentioned once a desire to completely write Lex out of the series. Are you still thinking of doing that? If so, are they going to be sequels to this one or when you choose a new episode are you going to start over again (meaning Lois doesn't know that Clark is Supes or that he loves her)?
Ah... you know... I do dream of a Lex-free universe. It would be such a grand place to live in. Hehe! I'm not sure I'd want to re-write all the episodes and start from zero on all of them... Although, it could be fun to start every new episode re-writre with Lois not knowing that Clark is Superman and her finding out during the course of the story every time. LOL!

There are a few things I'm sure of, though:
- there's going to be a prequel and it's going to be all about Livewire. I absolutely love this villain. (hey, maybe I could replace Lex with her all the time? mmmm... this is giving me an idea. Ooooh!)
- there is going to be at least one sequel. I'm not sure who the villain is going to be, but we're going to get some more of Flash. ('cause I like him so darn much. LOL!)
- there's a little nfic epilogue in my head that's begging to get out of there. wink

However, right now I'm working on my "little" NaNoWriMo story. It does include Lex, though, but I punished him and made him dirt poor. hehehe! As soon as I'm done with that (at the end of the month, obviously) I'll start posting it. smile So far it's pretty cool, if I may say so myself. It's quite different, but I'm having a ball with that!

I'll definitely be posting some more stories, that much I can assure you. I'm having too much fun writing them!

And I really like all your endnotes explaining your references and thoughts. Kind of like a peek inside your head.
Yeah, you get to see just how deranged I really am. wink

Thanks for letting me know about the typo I forgot. I'll go fix it. (that's what I get for posting at 2:30 AM! Yikes!)

And thank you for all the wonderful feedback. It means the world to me that you guys enjoyed this story!!

(btw, about the "always" thing... I guess we'll just have to make him find out about that sort of thing real soon.. won't we. blush )

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies