Oh, Angel, I'm so glad to see this one back in production! I was having nice-Mayson withdrawal symptoms.

I've always viewed Dan Scardino as a bit clueless, but you're painting him as a very cagey character, one who feels sad about using Mayson as bait, but not bad enough to pull her out of the line of fire. I wonder if she'll survive the encounter this time. And if she does, I wonder if she'll forgive Dan for manipulating her.

I wasn't real clear on Lois's take on Clark and Mayson's relationship. Does she think Clark is attracted to Mayson? Me, I'm a sucker for intelligent blondes with a flint-hard face and a weak spot for Midwestern dorks. But I wonder if it will make a difference in Lois's attitude towards Clark when Lois finds out that Clark's blaming himself for Mayson's injuries because he's Superman and he should have prevented them.

I'm pleased to read that the story's almost finished. I was really hoping this one wouldn't end up in the boneyard of abandoned tales, so the news of near-completion is heartening.

As for a fickle muse, I find that milk and cookies work wonders, along with a hot bath and a professional massage and a little note to the Muse Enforcers Local 307 (ask for Rocky or Guido).

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing