Woohoo! DJ's story is back! [Linked Image]

DJ, you've no idea how happy I'm seeing your story back! And with a plus of 'our' Lois and Clark! drool

“Ah, so you are actually awake and not sleep-dressing? I was beginning to wonder when I realized you’d put on brown socks with your blue suit,” she teased him.

He looked down, wiggling the toes on his right foot, and smiled sheepishly. “I swear they looked black when I put them on.”
LOL! grumble

He grinned at her. “The ones who have the son, Jason. Do you think they’ll work things out? I know it’s totally selfish of me to feel this way, but since I’m him... err, he’s me... you know... in that other universe... I want to see him end up with Lois.
Hey, me too! I want to see every Clark end up with his Lois, in whatever universe. [Linked Image]

She felt her cheeks flush. “Well, once we found out we could have kids, I didn’t figure we’d stop at just the one." She reached down and rubbed her stomach affectionately. It had only been a few months since the Supermen had united together to defeat Tempus... but she and Clark had made good use of the time.
Guess there's a baby on their way. [Linked Image]

She smiled mischievously at him. “Lois Lane able to turn down Superman? Yeah, I’d like to see that happen in any universe.”

“So does that mean...” He began to loosen the knot on his tie, sliding it down his chest, "...that I’ve got you at my mercy?"

Why, oh, why are we in PG folder? grumble

Her mind flashed back to the feeling of that body beneath her fingers. He was the strongest man in the world and yet somehow he made himself so soft for her. His skin had been so alive with warmth and velvet perfection as she slid her fingertips across the lines of his chest.
WOW! This is so HOT! [Linked Image]

He deserved better. He deserved more. He deserved her fidelity.

But she hadn’t been unfaithful to him.
Not? Really? Maybe not in actions, but in her mind... Why is she unable to stop thinking about Clark and their night together? dizzy And I hope she doesn't be stupid to tell publicly that Jason's father is Superman. That would put Jason in danger and the poor boy couldn't live in peace. She could say her and Clark had one-night-stand, a fling, anything before his 'expedition around the world', and it turned out she got pregnant. It wouldn't be exactly a lie. evil

Now... when is next part?


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15