Ahhh, look at all the wonderful feedback!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


You've beautifully left so many cliffhangers and I'm all worked up and if you post next Thursday like you have been, I can't wait for that post.
Thanks, Stuart! Those little cliffhangers keep my readers coming back. wink

Marisol's last name was a thank you to you for your effusive feedback!

Why didn't he try Kryptonian? He could have voiced it, and nobody would have thought it strange - it would have been just another unknown language to a stanger.
By the way: It's "Deutsch", not "Deutsches".
Thanks, I'll fix 'Deutsch'. That's what I had originally, but when I double checked Babel Fish, that's what I got. That's not where I got the word for Swedish. Heaven knows what I would have come up with. blush

Jon didn't try Kryptonian because even the possibility of her being Kryptonian was the farthest thing from his mind.

I originally tried to do Russian and Greek, too, but when I went for a translation, I got it in those language's characters, and they wouldn't post. I didn't want him saying, "Do you speak Russian - or Greek," so I left them out. If anyone knows how to write that with English alphabet characters, I'll add it back in.

What you have done? "Entertained" every single one of your sisters (and your brothers' darlings), no less! & Sounds like a gender-bender version of Snowhite and the seven dwarves to me...
Oh, my! I must have missed that version of Snow White.

Ah, thank you! You are so sweet. You are making my cheeks cramp, too!! notworthy

Argh! I'm developing a cramp in my cheeks - from constantly grinning from ear to ear! This is soo cute. &

Let me guess: She doesn't cut her hair because scissors don't work on it... She must be the other Krypterran Clark knows of. Looks like she likes Los... Hmmm.
Hadn't actually thought of that. Interesting idea. I think I'll use it.

As I said, a family growing by the minute.
Yes, it is.

If you asked me, the whole story deserved to be quoted. There's so much going on...
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! party

Clark. You know you.. we... can't, don't you?
ok... wait... I have to protest here. First he needs to marry her before she'll sleep with him, which I'm ok with in all honestly, but damn... it happened way too fast. Way, way, WAYYYYYYY too fast. And now that they *are* married, she's ruining the wedding night? ARGH! Couldn't she have told him that *before* they went off and got hitched, at least? This girl seriously needs to stop thinking with the logical part of her brain all the time and not be a doctor 24/7, for God's sake!
Actually Clark knew they wouldn't / couldn't have sex. He was mostly just teasing Caitlyn. They both wanted to actually sleep in the same bed and both being a little old fashioned they didn't want to chance his kids catching them unless they could say they were married. The time they were in bed together to show Mayson that they were together wasn't real, and Jon isn't convinced, but Clark and Caitlyn don't really know that. They had a fairly good explanation when Brook caught them, but they didn't want to chance it happening again.

And yeah, it happened too fast. I wanted them to be impulsive! They were already engaged, so they went for it!

I will add something in the last part, though, to make it clear that Clark knew this from the beginning.

Don't worry, they'll get to 'it'.

I dislike her so much it itches!
Itches, eh?

"eh"? hehehe - sounds Canadian. LOL!
Really? Canadian, eh?

Then she added quietly. "~Healer Zor-Te was killed in the Thanae attack.~"

K'al was troubled. "~How many?~"
I don't mean to nitpick, but either I haven't had enough coffee yet of there's a lil bit missing here for this to make sense. ? I don't understand why he's asking "How many" - how many what?
She had just said that Healer Zor-Te was killed in the attack. When he asked, "How many?" he was asking her how many were killed.

ummm? isn't that just a tad inapropriate considering he's her father-in-law? ...mind you, it could be I'm just too old fashioned.(which I know perfectly well I am)
Yes, so am I. But Jenni feels very comfortable with Clark, and she is teasing him over her long time Superman obsession. Earlier in the story (probably too long ago) I said that she used to carry on to Clark about how much she wanted to meet Superman and how attracted she was to him. And later, Clark teased her back.

Okay, Nancy, how can I not love this part, when you have Jon ask Rya if she speaks "svenska" (Swedish) - and you manage to spell it perfectly correctly, too?
Good thing, since I messed up the German.

I don't know what a harpsichord or a clavichord is, but I understand that they are instruments somewhat like a piano. And I love your knowledge about these instruments, so that you can give that knowledge to Jon.
Thank you. Harpsichords and Clavichords have more of a twangy sound. You can somewhat hear the strings being 'plucked' when then keys are struck. Pianos weren't invented until around the beginning of the 1800's.

I knew about the phonograph recording, but I didn't know it included music. Good thing.

One more thing about Bach - he was a sexist pig! He was a very successful man and he made a lot of money, but he did nothing to provide for his wife and daughters. When Bach died, his sons inherited his fortune, but his wife and daughters were left destitute.
I'm not taking up for Bach because many things have been written about his womanizing, etc, but I have to wonder if that wasn't par for the course for the time he lived in. Did you know that some experts now think that J.S. Bach didn't write all those pieces? Some are thought to have been perhaps composed by other relatives.

I was initially very suspicious of this woman, but this paragraph put my suspicions to rest. If she can tell that Jon is a gentle man - and, if she can use such a nice and appreciative word as "gentle" to describe his non-violent disposition - then she must be all right herself!
You know what they say. Music is the universal language....

I'm glad you like my feline and canine characterization.

This was a long quote, but it was good to see something of Jama.
Yes, as you pointed out to me, Jama wasn't getting much written about her.

Interesting. Before the "wedding" she was his birth wife, and after the "wedding" she was his wife.
Well, I figured it made sense, since the Ceremony of Union made it legal to consummate the marriage.

(There is an eeny, teeny, tiny, itty, bitty typo here: I try to teach my students the difference between "it's" and "its", and you accidentally put an "it's" where you needed an "its".)
Argggghhhh..... I know this, I know this, I know this.... Arggghhhh......

Seven young females are giggling in concert?
Bet that was quite a sight? Eh?

Aaaah, I love Jon. I don't suppose he will be admiring other females when he has married Hannah.
Jon only has eyes for Hannah. Of course, that doesn't mean he won't notice.

Jon cleared his throat. "K'al, we don't swim in the nude." He heard Hannah giggling and amended, "At least usually." He thought to Hannah, <I thought I told you to go away.>
Ah, you remembered that Jon and Hannah like to skinny dip....

Well, let's see, I know nothing about the Fireman of the Year award. Sweet'n'Low is in a pink package. The Mayo Clinic is in Minnesota. I doubt most Americans would know that. Standard typing paper is 8 1/2 by 11. I wouldn't have been able to tell you that a meerkat was a mongoose. Meerkat Manor is a delightful show, though.

So that's why her clothing was different! But - hey, K'al just hugged Rya and he didn't notice she was seven months' pregnant???
Yes, how could you not notice, K'al? When you hugged her and all?
Goodness!! She is seven months' pregnant, but that means she' the equivalent of nine months' pregnant!!! (And that lunkhead of a husband of hers didn't notice! <grumble>)
Actually, I've seen ladies that are full term and you can hardly tell they are pregnant. I just put her in that category.

And yes, she is full term. In my story, Kryptonian pregnancies last for seven of our months.

Ah yes, sounds familiar! And you know, Nancy, that I find that kind of thing romantic. Well, as long as the young parents-to-be are honestly in love, of course.
Yes, these two are desperately in love, despite the fact that they were wed at birth. That's why they had the Ceremony of Union so young. Then, of course, Zara probably thought they were already having sex - might as well make it legal.

Good! Even on Krypton, doctors apparently respect the idea of patient confidentiality (or whatever you call it).
Oh, yeah, can you imagine Los' sister-in-law coming to him and saying, "Oh, by the way, I'm pregnant, but your brother and I... we had sex before we were really allowed to... and well, I'm too pregnant. And on top of that, I don't want you to tell your brother I'm pregnant. Okay?" laugh

I'm glad you all find Lara so irresistable!


Oh, so that's how you say it in English. (When I was sixteen, I was staying with an American family in the U.S. for a month. My English was pretty crappy back then, and I didn't know how to explain to the kindly mother of the family that I had my period. That was not a word I had been taught at school in Sweden.)
Actually you can say, I started my period, or I have my period. (Heck, you can even say you're on the rag.) Jama just couldn't bring herself to say it.

I guess Chloe figured out that Jama's period had started. Chloe comes though as a very nice sister.
No, she figured it out when Clark told her Jama was having cramps.

Alex is disgusting!!! How does he make Claire go weak in the knees, though? Don't tell me he has Kryptonite!
I ain't tellin'. But remember how I told you a long time ago that he was a bad guy. (And no, as you suggested previously, he isn't Krypterran.)

Marisol is an Hispanic name. I didn't make it up or anything. Don't worry, she's nice.

So Clark is writing nfic.
Yeah, but 'The Janus Contract' was violent. And I'm surprised you didn't recognize this. wink This is one of the novels that Clark Kent wrote in the DC universe.

Thanks for all the wonderful feedback, guys. You have made my day!!!! Heck, you've made my week!!!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~