Ah Chris, I adored this chapter! I just wanted to say that I could totally see Clark flying with Lois and having LabRat, beautifully dressed up in a splendid cape, dangling beneath them. Aaaah, what an adorable pooch!!!

And hey, I liked seeing Lois as a super seamstress. Being fat has certainly meant that she has learnt a number of new skills. And she was trying to teach Clark a new skill, too - the skill of saying, out loud, that he is in love with a fat woman. He didn't quite succeed, but he did pretty well anyway:

Clark rolled his eyes at her. “I’m in love with a beautiful woman who has curves in all the right places.”
Adorable! sloppy

And hey, I loved this:

“He’s doing okay,” Lois observed. “His nose is out of joint. He’s sniffing things up here that no dog has ever smelled before.”
His nose is out of joint - what was it Hamlet said? The time is out of joint - o woe, that I'm the one who has to put it right again? Something like that. Anyway, meet LabRat, the canine rodent with a streak of Shakespeare and the disposition of a super-poochie!

I just loved Clark and Lois's - and LabRat's - meeting with Bernard Klein. What a sweet gentleman he is in your story! sloppy

I'd like to comment more on this chapter, but I'm in such a hurry. But I love this chapter, and I love your story, Chris!
