Ann, You sneaked in here and left feedback!! Thank you!

Thank you so much!

And I have always loved your vivid imagination, the sense that almost anything can happen in your stories, and I have always loved the warmth that you infuse in your portrayal of your characters, even including the feline ones (Meowoof!).
Yes, Ann, I'm well aware of your feelings. But I love how you care about and defend Lois.

I can't say that either, but I'm asking you to understand that ultimately, i can't be happy to see him put his life with Lois definitely behind him by moving on with another woman, no matter how well-deserved such a change of life would be.
Oh, Ann, you make my heart sing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

I'm really so glad that you were inspired to write this story in the first place, because it really is so good, and these boards benefit so much from your presence in general and from your story in particular.

Second, I'm really glad that SNL has recently discovered your story.
So, am I. And thanks again for all your wonderful feedback, SNL.

I hate the idea of birth marriages, Nancy. Of course, that doesn't mean that some birth marriages don't lead to some very happy unions. If K'al stayed for a very long time in the Bridal Chamber with his new bride, then I guess he had a good time with his bride, and hopefully he will be happy with her.
I don't either, but you know he'd have to have a birth wife. And they are quite happy - thus the early Ceremony of Union. More of that in the next chapter.


It makes me a little sad if K'al has a roving eye if he is already married. I feel sorry for his bride, whom I fear will not have the same opportunity to console herself with the company of other men as K'al may have to play around with other women.
A roving eye and noticing a pretty woman doesn't mean he'll stray.


What 18 year old, married or not, wouldn't notice a pretty face? And no, he doesn't feel that a woman can't make her own decisions.
I don't know, but K'al makes me uneasy. I wonder what he thinks about women? I wonder if he feels that a woman has the right to be her own person and make her own decisions? And he is going to be the ruler of New Krypton. Maybe Clark should have a little talk with him?

Ah, you noticed the word Krypterran, eh?
Clark is only aware of Hannah and one other "Krypterran" who is the product of rape.

If he's Krypterran, Clark doesn't know.
Nancy, are you going to show us this other person? Wait... it can't be Alex, can it, Claire's nasty boyfriend?

<~She, nor her mother know, but her mother thinks it was Ran. And Ran is dead.~>

I'm just wondering... I would have told my students they should write "Neither she nor her mother knows".
I don't know, but I think either is correct. I'll ask my favorite English teacher.

Hmmmm... I feel you are working your way to a scenario where Ching is really a rather bad guy. Don't tell me he is Hanna's father, surely?
Ooohh... No way! I did very briefly think about having Ching have a Earthly fling, but I quickly decided against it. He's not a bad guy. He just has a lot of angry feelings - just as he did in the New Krypton Arc. And he's very much a man of war - a warrior.

More of this in the next part. Let's just say Jon got 'elected'. And remember, Clark was already looking for the twins.
Hmmm. I don't entirely like Jon here, squealing on his sisters. Okay... I know that Jon is this inherently extremely good boy, and I don't mean that in a condescending way, honestly, even though I know it sounded like it.

He wants them to fully understand that he isn't happy.
Clark rested his elbows on his knees and steepled his hands. "Look, I'm not feeling especially patient right now." Then he said flatly, "I'm in pain. We still need to have a family meeting. And I need to go to S.T.A.R. Labs." He looked at them through narrowed eyes that appeared almost black. Then he snapped angrily. "Now speak!"
I don't like Clark very much right now. I think he is being unnecessarily intimidating.

Don't know yet. Sometimes this story has a mind of their own....
Hmmm, are you suggesting that Trace will be all star-struck when he's around the Purple Pixie, but he will be rather unimpressed by Claire Kent?

Oh, gadfries, I hate it when I see a quote and I've screwed up the punctuation. And I'm not telling where, either!!

"And don't have sex until you're at least 30 - no 60." Both of the girls giggled. "I'm serious!" Clark stood up.
Yeah, right, you're serious, Clark! You may as well tell your girls that you forbid them to have children.
Ahh, but he's their Daddy. He can hardly stand the thoughts of them growing up. And of course he didn't mean it. It's just Daddy-speak.


Some children just inherently know these things.
Yes, Brook found out last week, but Lara has known since she was twenty months old, and she has understood she must keep quiet about it!!!

I actually struggled with this, but it is so real life that I chose to go ahead with it.
"Good. I like you a lot." Then she whispered in Caitlyn's ear. "I know you aren't my real mother, but can I call you Mommy? I've never really had a Mommy."
This pains me, Nancy, I can't help it. Lara is Lois's child, and she's a wonderful child, and Lois gave up her life for her, but Caitlyn and not Lois will get her love.

I already have, haven't I? Lois will make more appearances, I promise.
Oh, I almost feel tears welling in my eyes now. Isn't there any way you can make Lois a part of Lara's life, too?

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~