Rhea, I've just gotten caught up with this story, and I love it! There are so many wonderful moments, as others have pointed out in the previous feedback threads. I suspected Perry from the start with the note, since it was typed - I think if Clark was going to confess his love in a note, that he would have handwritten it.

I loved the conversation between L&C where each thought he had figured his secret - but not! As a big fan of Scarecrow & Mrs. King, I liked the fact that Lois had put two and two together and come up with a secret agent.

And then their great conversation in this last part that continued with them talking at cross-purposes. Like Clark, I also broke out laughing with Lois' theory of bladder problems.

Wonderful kisses and confessions. Now the bit with the card is coming out, but it's served its purpose - Perry will be pleased.

Looking forward to more...

"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5