Thanks all for the kind words. I just have to throw something out there every once in a while just to let folks know I'm still alive.

As for the 'take one', it merely represents the fact that I had a few different ideas that followed the same basic premise. This just happened to be the 'take' that I wrote. If I ever decide to write up one of the others... well, who knows.

Now, regarding this seeming mistrust of my ability to provide a happy ending... I'm a regular Mr. Waffy. If one were to go to the archives they would see that I've written a few fanfics in my time and I dare say, the vast majority of them have a sloppy, happy ending. Nobody ever dies in my... well, almost nobody... well, Lois or Clark never die in... well they don't die very often.

And, for those who mentioned 'the haircut'. Remember, Lois never got her haircut (she didn't need to), it was the clone who was forced to do so in order to carry out what she thought was to be 'the plan'. (I seem to be using quotes a lot).

Anyway, thanks again for the kind comments. With you people being so nice to me, I may just have to write another fic someday.

Tank (who may have originated the Tank ending, but it was left to others to perfect the evil)