Okay... here's my two cents...

I don't think Clark would keep flying and risk Lois' life. He would land as soon as he could where ever he could.
Wouldn't he risk her life, when he landed just somewhere, not knowing if he'd be able to soften his fall enough for Lois to survive? He couldn't be sure if anyone was there to help an injured Lois.
When I read the story the first time, that's what I thought - why doesn't he land just anywhere, right? But then when I thought mor about it, it didn't make much sense for him to do that.

Let me explain...

Even if he's able to land and she's not injured, he will be... So it's not safe for him to land just anywhere. I mean, if she's there alone with him and he's unconscious, what's she to do anyway? Leave him there alone while she goes running for help? I don't think so. wink

If he's unable to land without injuring her (she's lying on his back and I seriously don't think his legs will hold him so he can't land on his feet too well) there's no telling what would happen to them, it's not *safe*. People aren't supposed to know that he's vulnerable to Kryptonite and just imagine if that got out that Superman isn't 'super' anymore... or worse if he landed and was found by unfriendly people -- the man is powerless, they could kill him!

So, to me, it makes perfect sense that he'd do everything in his power to land somewhere that won't put either of them in harms way. Therefore, considering their home isn't so far away that he thinks he can't make it, then he would do that, land there. Besides.... Clark would put his life on the line to save Lois a million times over, I am absolutely convinced of this!


Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies