Sorry for not commenting lately. RL (odd to see this since these are my initials) has been getting in the way, what with preparing for a new baby in four weeks plus work. smile

From Tank:
Seems to me that Wendy was just setting us up for the horrific whams to come.
I gotta go with Tank here. If there weren't WHAMs coming, and very soon, we wouldn't be seeing a 25/? when it came to the number of parts. This thing would be wrapping up in the next section or two. Expect Luthor to raise his ugly head pretty soon.

He expected any woman he might be interested in to reject him, because he wasn’t normal - so his strategy was to get in first.
Not exactly sure what "get in first" means. Does it mean "reject?"

Her sister Lucy had told her exactly what she was doing, and why it was a crazy move.
We've read a lot of stories where Lucy is the voice of reason just recently. For some reason, despite her lack of a good love life, she seems to be wise beyond her years in this department, except for maybe the story, "Anybody's Baby" by AnnieM. I remember someone else's comment (sorry, can't remember who said it) recently about how much the show lost when they got rid of Lucy's character. I have to ditto that comment. Lois really could have used a good confidant and sounding board.

Not that many men, in her experience, had been worth the effort...

Except Clark.
It's wonderful how that soul mates thing works. They barely know each other, both have horrible hangups about relationships, but are both able to try being together.

“Too personal?” she asked quietly, feeling disappointed; after all, she’d just told him about things she’d told nobody else, ever. And she’d done it in order to make him feel comfortable about confiding in her. The least he could do was return the compliment!
A staple of these two, they make it a big habit of always assuming something about the other without waiting to find out. Fortunately, Clark here shortcircuited this faulty reasoning before Lois pulled away.

But there was V too - you know, the TV series?
Have to comment on this show. I thought it was great at the time. The aliens were actually lizard people disguised as humans using some sort of artificial skin. The mini-series was so much better than the TV series. I didn't see Starman, though, so I don't really have context for that.

“I didn’t tell her,” he said, and she could hear the relief in his voice.
It makes sense from a teenager's point of view, but hypotheticals often don't match up to reality. Clark didn't trust Lana enough to find out what she would really do. Who knows? She may have surprised him. It could have saved Clark ten years of fear and enforced loneliness. He really paid a steep price for that lack of trust. But fortunately, it didn't cost him his true love (unless there's a really, really big WHAM coming). wink

“Then we’ll make each other a promise,” he said, his voice little louder than a murmur. “We will trust each other. We won’t just make assumptions about each other and act on them. If we get scared or insecure, we’ll talk to each other about it. And we’ll remember first and foremost that we love each other. Okay?”
Yea!! thumbsup Looking forward to more. Is it going to be another week before we see more?

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin