Another wonderful part, Wendy! So glad that Clark opened up at last. I had thought that perhaps there might be more to the "Starman" incident than this, but to a 16-year-old struggling with normal teenage angst *plus* emerging powers *plus* his obsessing over his alienness, it's not surprising that her negative reaction, when he was hoping for something more, would tip the balance for him.

And once he opened up to Lois, he admitted everything...his fears, his love for her, his hopes. Very very nice.

“Then we’ll make each other a promise,” he said, his voice little louder than a murmur. “We will trust each other. We won’t just make assumptions about each other and act on them. If we get scared or insecure, we’ll talk to each other about it. And we’ll remember first and foremost that we love each other. Okay?”
I hope they'll remember that in the future... smile

And with Lois he wanted everything.
::Very happy sigh:: [Linked Image] So all we have to do is have Martha make the Suit and create Superman. Right? No, not right. Wendy apparently still hasn't decided how many parts this story is. Things are obviously not that straightforward...


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5