Mrs. Mosley, thank you for your comments!

My thoughts on Lex were that he had found a way to get to New Orleans after the hurricane with the express intention of making Superman believe he was a victim in need of rescue.

Pretty left out and pretty vulnerable, I'd say. (And a little mad if we all know Lois.)
As an aside, I wonder how left out Lois feels being the only member of the family without telepathy.
By the time Clark made the statement on TV, he had on hospital scrubs - those rather unshapely baggy uniforms that us medical people so often wear. I thought scrubs would be a little more dignified than a hospital gown. They would have been the more logical choice for someone who came in without any clothes on. On a side note, they actually make disposable scrubs, but I doubt those would have been available in the hurricane aftermath.

Lois might have believed he was dead or close to it this time. It's rather vague in the story, but Clark was on that roof for five days.

Thanks for your comments!! Nancy

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~