This is definitely sad, but you did it so well. And I do like "Defeated" as a title over "Aftermath".

Who would think water could be such a devastating enemy?
I live in the hurricane zone, so this is something I have thought more than once. Water sustains human life, but it can destroy us as well.

Was Lex already in New Orleans when the hurricane hit and routinely carried kryptonite on his person in case he ran into Clark? Or did he deliberately go there after the hurricane because he assumed Clark would as well?

Kryptonite has left me vulnerable to the sun. The sun, which gives me my awesome power, has left me burned and blistered.
Never thought about this but it makes sense. Ironic. Poor Clark.

I at least tried to warn my sons of danger. I don't know if my telepathic message reached them. I don't know if Lois understood the cryptic message. Oh, Lois. I so wish she was telepathic right now.
There is so much bittersweet pain here. As much as you love your children and may be happy that they share your gifts, there are times when you need your *adult* partner. And the fact that the only way for Clark to get to her is to let his children know his pain makes my heart ache. As an aside, I wonder how left out Lois feels being the only member of the family without telepathy.

I have to get back to Lois. My babies.
This is why we love Clark. Tears!

"I'll make sure no one finds it. When you're ready, you come find me. I'll leave it up to you to dispose of it."
Nice to know there are some decent people in the world.

Did Clark make that statement on TV wearing nothing but that blanket?

I owe Dan a big favor. He's managed to keep my whereabouts a secret.
More decent people. It's so easy to forget how many there are in the world when all you hear is bad news.

When I arrive home, Lois shows me the shredded suit sent to her at the Planet. The attached note simply states, 'He's dead.' Oh, my poor Lois.
Yes, poor Lois. But I wonder if she really believed it. People have tried that trick before.

This is a great little vignette. Thank you for writing it.

lisa in the sky with diamonds