You are quite welcome for the help!!

“Parking Spike’s car …”
Since Clark flew Spike to Dawn's dorm room and then he flew both of them back to Metropolis, shouldn't this be Dawn's car?

I loved this part where Bill realizes his powers can help people and not always hurt them..

“Loooooois!” A scream from above her. Arms wrapped around her and her fall was arrested with painful force.

Bill. Bill had caught her. His eyes were huge, and terrified and she could feel him shaking. He‘d reacted without thought -- had just gone after her frantically.
Bill’s arms tightened around her. In a strained, husky whisper, he said, “I saved you. You would have died. I saved you. I did it.”

Sounds dangerously close to evil Willow:
“Luz Arcanum!” Willow’s voice hit a pitch that made the hair on Lois’ neck stand on end. The witch stood up from behind Lois’ couch, eyes gone utterly black.
So wouldn't this have also given Clark and Bill an energy increase?

Quote the cost of Spike’s sunlight allergy. Then she’d hit her with something nasty.
Yeah! for Bill. He saved Spike.

I just love how well you do 'Illyria speak'. I hope Illyria permanently joins the fight against evil

Aw, I hope Buffy and Spike get back together. I liked them together - much more than Angel and Buffy. Even if Angel couldn't turn into Angelus, I would still have liked them together more.

Did you explain this elsewhere in the story? I know what she said, but will other readers?

“Spike -- what I said, in the Hellmouth? I meant it.” Buffy cupped the side of his face in her hand. “It’s still true.”
loved the whole scene between Buffy and Spike. That was so sweet.

Maybe Buffy could even start calling him Spike, Bill (or William). Sorry I just couldn't resist the joke... lol

It would be interesting to see if Clark's world has vampires and the like after all. I know you said above there would be no Buffy, but it could still be interesting.

I love your set-up for a sequel!!

Remind me who Ethan Raynes is.

Great story!!

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~