Wow, thank y'all so much for your incredible feedback. I never expected this sort of response and I'm thrilled that everyone seems to be enjoying it.

Opinion on Lana seem to be unanimous:

Ahhh, Lois lock that no-good, unemployed blonde in the supply closet and throw away the key!!!

I think you did an excellent job portraying the absolute evilness of Lana... okay maybe not absolute evilness, but I really don't like her.

I've never liked the concept of Lana in every reincarnation of the Superman story--and you've painted her in such a way that lives down to my expectations of her.
I have to admit that I wrote this story because I hate Lana and wanted everyone else to hate her too. <G>

As for what Lois will do to fight her, well, tune in next time. smile

There is one more thing I wanted to address though - I've heard from a number of people that they assume that Clark heard what Lana said to Lois in the opening scene. I've got back and tweaked that scene a little bit so that it's clearer that he is oblivious. But I just wanted to clarify for the sake of this story that I'm going at this with the assumption that Clark is no more observant than any other typical American male - unless he has a reason to use his superpowers.

Thanks again, everyone!


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen