I guess I figured Illyria would look about the same in any form - just a little more Fred-like here. I guess I thought Giles would know Illyria because she was one of the old ones.

What's IIRC mean?

Just shows what a good actress Amy Acker is:

However, given that I actually had to check the credits to verify that Illyria was truly being played by Amy Acker because I as a viewer had a very hard time seeing Fred in Illyria ... I'm going to say that the blue hair/eyes and the very different body language works about the same as Clark's glasses. *Grin* Nobody's going to recognize Illyria as Fred.
Sorry about the mix-up in originally posting this as FDK for part 5 instead of part 6. I guess you guys got it, though. I fixed it.


~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~