Originally posted by Classicalla:
Another great part. Bill seems like he will be great.

Vampiric - what a word. I love it.

Since Giles is a Watcher and Wesley was a Watcher, wouldn't Giles have recognized Illyira? Or was Wesley no longer a Watcher? I can't remember for sure, but surely there must have been a few slayers he could have watched in LA, wasn't there (even if they were never mentioned). Like I said, though, I can't remember if he was still a Watcher.
Illyria is a demon god - it's only in this body that it's human, and even then it can change its form. Giles has never met it/her, or as far as I know Fred before Illyria took over her body, so why would he recognise her?

I'm pretty sure that Giles and Wes weren't talking at this point - something about Giles not helping him when Fred was infected...

This must be REALLY confusing for anyone who isn't familiar with the Buffyverse.

Another good chapter anyway - nice idea having Spike find him first, be interested to see how that develops.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game