Due to some of the feedback, I made some changes to the last section of Chapter 16. I hope it makes more sense that way. Since the particular section was somewhat short, I will also post it here. Thanks again to everyone that has posted feedback.

The additions are in italics.


Jon went out the door to where Hannah's car - nice one at that - was parked to get her bags. Ah, the perks of having one of the world's richest men as a father. She'd driven here. He thought that she didn't fully realize the magnificence of flying and how much faster it was than taking her car. Although if he had a car like that, he might think about driving more often. Then he wondered if she'd ever even flown before. He was glad his dad hadn't tried to suppress their powers. When he came back in, he walked by Jenni's room.

Zared said, "Hey Jon. I hollered at you when you passed a second ago, but you didn't seem to notice. Come in."

"Well, I can't stay long." He sat Hannah's stuff down outside the room and walked in a sat down. "Did you want something, Zared?"

"Actually, Jon, dearest future brother-in-law, I'm wondering about something. Maybe you can enlighten me since you were there." He looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"What I was I there for?" She gave him a look - one of her Jenni leers, as he called it. She never leered at Zared - all she had to do was bat her lashes. That had never worked on him even when they dated. He just shrugged. "I'll do what I can."

"When Hannah, you, and I were in your dad's office talking, she told your dad that she would like to meet Superman and he said, 'I'll see what I can do.' Just like that! 'I'll see what I can do.' I've been asking him to introduce me to Superman for years and he always danced around the issue. That blew me away. I mean, I know *now* that Clark is Superman. What I don't understand is why he so readily agreed to introduce Hannah to Superman." She just shook her head.

Zared said, "That's absolutely *all* she's talked about all evening."

Jon looked like an animal caught in a trap. "Really?" He nearly strangled on his answer. Zared and Jenni both looked at him very intently.

Jenni said, "Then you *do* know why he said that?"

Jon just sat there with his mouth half open and his eyebrows raised. "Well... uhhh... I... uhh..." He sat there for the merest moment and then literally flew out the open door.

Zared and Jenni just looked at each other.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~