Originally posted by Classicalla:
I liked it. Can you change your story post to the 'blue arrow' though? I almost missed it.
Okay, I'm a noobie on this board. How do I do this?

It would also be nice if you make a note in the beginning that this is set in an alternate universe - one of the Buffyverses. I found myself a bit confused at first. Of course you did finally tell us that this was set in an alternate universe.

I think a little vignette on Lois' reaction the first time she ever saw one of the vamps 'change' would be great! :p
Heh. Given that it happened before she was a Slayer it would indeed be an interesting scene. I'll see if I can figure out how to fit it in, or write it as a separate short story.

I wondered a bit about this part:

The (vampire) warlock promptly fired off a bolt of energy in Buffy's direction
I don't remember any vampire warlocks in Buffy. Was there ever such a thing or are you throwing in a little Charmed for good measure?
I need a beta. laugh I play in so many worlds that I sometimes miss things like this ... though I don't think I've ever seen an episode of Charmed.

There's plenty of canon in the Buffyverse to indicate that vampires can be magic users. But you're right -- I don't think they've ever called a vampire a warlock. Easy edit to fix, anyway.

Poor Clark...

This was ... she stepped closer to him, brow wrinkling in confusion. This was a man. He looked human, though he couldn't possibly be mortal. He sat on an office chair that had come through with him, looking startled. His hands were raised as if he'd been typing on a keyboard when summoned.
And he appeared right in the middle of typing. What must they be thinking in the other universe. At least the chair came with him...
Wonder what sort of excuse he'll have for the *missing* chair when he goes home?

What about the Clark in this Buffyverse? Is he in Smallville married to Lana Lang. In Nigeria married to the princess? Or.. gah... living in another city happily married to Mayson Drake? I'd like to see him pop-up instead of just not being there because of death or some such. Hey, without his 'Lois' he just never became Superman.
Buffyverse Altclark is around. He's important to the story and will do more than just pop up. smile

(It was actually very tempting to make him a vampire which would have led to a very different story. My boyfriend was rooting for Supervamp as the Big Bad. But, nah.)

Finally, I'd like to say that I like your writing style and I anxiously look forward to more. As a big sci-fi fan (Superman's my favorite), I like these cross-over stories.
Thank you. smile