In some companies in the US, vacation is mandatory or you lose the vacation time. In others the vacation time can just keep building. I've seen lots of people that don't want to take vacations. (I think they are crazy, myself.) And remember Clark did say he'd only been able to talk Anamarie into one vacation. That's why he is so willing to give her the time off.

Also, if my understanding is correct, most Europeans enjoy more (much more) vacation time than Americans. Small companies often only offer one week a year. Larger companies usually offer two weeks off to start with and that increases the longer you work for them. Very small independently owned companies don't have to offer any benefits whatsoever - including vacation. That doesn't mean they won't give you time off - you just don't get paid for it. And I won't even get into the state of health insurance coverage in this country. The US is one of the few industrialized countries that does not have some kind of national health insurance. Sad, isn't it?

Jon: "Hanna, my Dad is Superman."
Hannah: "Jon, my Dad is Batman."
It's not gonna happen... I'll give you a little teaser. Hannah does not know that Bruce is Batman, but she does has suspicions that there's something strange going on. There will be more about that in the next chapter or maybe the one after that. It depends on how much the next chapter gets expanded. The lack of her knowledge is also a point of contention between Clark and Bruce - one of many as you can imagine.

And here are my thoughts on Jon: He does want to have sex. (He's a 17 year old male, after all.) But he is ambivalent because he doesn't want to get into a situation like Zared. He knows about Zared's proposition of a prostitute, his history of somewhat wild behavior, and his little roll in the hay. (I haven't specifically said that, but I will make that clear later.) He also really knows that Hannah is the one for him. He has known it for a very long time, and he's scared witless by it. He also does indeed feel odd about her being older than him. Even though she isn't (Bruce is very protective.), he feels that she is much more experienced and worldly than he is. And Hannah has definitely been pushing him...

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~