Like Maria said, I absolutely love Clark's relationship with his kids! I love the warmth that is such a foundation of everything about this family. That doesn't mean everything is just rosy. I really appreciate the way you write about the inevitable little family tensions and the worries of kids growing up, in this case motherless, and with a badly injured father. Perhaps that's why Jama has an upset stomach?

You have already made me very interested in Zared and Jenni. Now you are really, really whetting my appetite to see more of Jon and Hannah! Hmmm... that's extremely interesting, this thing that Hanna possibly wants sex, but Jon isn't ready. Or is he imagining things? Is he just feeling insecure, so that he believes that Hannah is expecting more from him than she does? She is a year older than him, which I think is perfectly okay, but it could increase Jon's feelings of inadequacy. Also, Jon has this hangup about *not* telling Hannah about Clark. So he's basically lying to her, which isn't likely to make him more realxed around her. And she is Bruce Wayne's daughter, and maybe, maybe she doesn't even know that Bruce is Batman... though I imagine that she does, after all. Hey, this just occurred to me - how about this double revelation scene?

Jon: "Hanna, my Dad is Superman."
Hannah: "Jon, my Dad is Batman."

That would be really cool, if you ask me.... goofy

It was almost shocking to hear about Clark's severe injuries. Jon is right, Clark isn't going to be Superman for quite some time. I love the idea that Jon and Clark are going to be working together as almost "twin" teenage Supermen! thumbsup

I was, however, a little shocked to hear that Anamarie has worked as the Kent family nanny for two and a half years, and she has only had one short vacation. In Sweden, I think that would almost be illegal. I don't doubt that Anamarie has been happy as the Kents' nanny, but really.... The idea that she should feel *guilty* for asking for a month's vacation after two and a half years.... It doesn't make me feel very good about Clark, even though you make it very obvious that Anamarie has been very happy working for him.

Great and fascinating chapter, though, Nancy!
