I loved this, Nancy. There are so many things here that I adore, such as this paragraph to start with:

Lois Lane Kent loved being a mom. She reveled in it. Before she married Clark, she would never have thought she would love kids so much and she certainly never imagined wanting so many kids.
I love it that Lois loves motherhood! But I do believe that she loves it because she's had all those kids with Clark. Having kids with someone else wouldn't be the same at all to her, I think.

But here I think you made a mistake:
Two days ago she gave birth for the fifth time which meant the Kents now had six children.
If Lois has given birth five times, they must have seven children. Zared is not Lois's son, and she and Clark have twin girls. Or do you count the twins as giving birth twice? Of course she did have them one at a time, and therefore she gave birth twice, but Lois "only" went through one pregnancy with them.

This is really sweet:
Clark wanted one of their kids to be named Lois
She watched as Clark held their daughter and cooed at her.
Awww! *adores*

Okay, so the baby will be named Lois, but what other name should she be given? You had me laugh with all those silly suggestions:

Lois Lucy or Lucy Lois

Lois Bernette

Or how about naming her Lana? Lois Lana? Lana Lois? (Where's the "I must throw up" icon?)
"How about Ellen?"
Lois Ellen? Ellen Lois? razz

How about Gwendolyn, Glenda, Wilhelmina, Wisteria?"

He just shook his head and said, "How about Lois Brook?" He cocked his head and got 'that' look. "I gotta go, honey."
Hah!!!! Lovely! Lois Brook, after her mother, babbling like a brook!!! And Lois doesn't get the joke, so she does, offically, name her daughter "Lois Brook"! rotflol

Okay, Clark comes back, being an adorable husband again:
He walked in Lois' room and said, "Hey, beautiful wife." He bent over and kissed her on the forehead.
And this - oh, wow:

"You didn't happen to bring the jeep did you? I can go home any time. I've signed my discharge papers and Brook is ready to go. I'm almost ready."

"Brook? Brooook?"

"Yes. I'm glad we finally agreed on a name. I like it. Lois Brook. That's a good name."
I'd love to put an emoticon here, but I think I've used up my quota already, so - bwahahahaaaa!!!!

She was looking in the mirror putting on make-up and she didn't see the complete look of shock on his face. He thought to himself that the name Lois Brook had been a joke - as in his Lois babbled... like a brook. Babbling brook.
And Lois had just officially named their child Lois Brook. She evidently hadn't gotten the joke. He wasn't about to tell her, either. She'd kill him. Lois' wrath could be almost as bad as a kryptonite exposure.
And I completely love this! So funny, and so sweet!!!!

And this, too, is completely irresistible:
Lois was done with her make-up and reached for their daughter. "Isn't Brook beautiful, Clark. Yes, I believe she does look like my baby pictures. Take some of this stuff out to the car, okay."

"Yes, Brook... is beautiful. Just like her, mother." He swallowed hard and picked up several bunches of flowers. He had to walk out quickly before he burst out laughing. He was going to have to remember to never refer to Lois as a babbling brook ever again.
I love it that he almost can't keep himself from laughing in front of Lois!!!

But then, two years later, unfortunately, Clark gives his secret away:
He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Lois, I love it when you babble. My own babbling brook...." He murmured against her hair. "We've been here long enough and nothing has happened. Let's go home."

Lois yelled, "Why Clark Jerome Kent, I should kill you! I'm going to kill you!!"

"Why?" He ducked as she threw her purse at him.

"Babbling brook? How could you? Why didn't you tell me? Claaarrkk!!"

But, uh, I wonder if you could enlighten me about this:
"Oh, and here, Clark. I didn't want to forget about you." She handed him a box of Ho-Ho's.

All in all, a delightful story. I totally adore the humour and the warmth in it. It was so great to see Lois and Clark together in it. And - okay. Perhaps I shouldn't say this, but I can't resist it (and I think you know what's coming, Nancy): I love seeing Lois in this story, and I miss her so badly in the stories you tell where she is dead.
