Oooh, Great part...

"Here's the rule. From now on, you work for us. You keep the phone with you, always, at all times. Every time we need you to do something, we'll phone you. And you will comply right away. You do, and you'd receive at home a video of your wife to see she's safe and sound. You don't and you'd receive at home a video of her execution. Say okay."

"I want to speak to her."

"Wrong answer. That was your first try, we give you a second chance. That would be the last. We just gave you an order by the phone. You obey, or you don't? Choose your video."

Superman felt the primal need to send him to hell, but his good sense prevailed.

"Okay," responded he angrily.
More soon please! I can't wait to see Lois' reaction to Clark being away from her for so long. Will he tell her he's Superman?


~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~