
Great part. hyper hyper

“Lois, you are the best of the best,” he said, and his smile smoothed into a genuine one. “Kent, here, is new to the Planet, yes. But he is also *very* good. I reckon if I put the two of you on it, this story will be Kerth material for sure. Because I agree with you, darlin’ – there’s something wrong with that whole program. Give this idea of mine a chance, Lois,” Perry added persuasively. “I smell a possible Pulitzer in this.”

She tried one last time. “Perry, I work best alone. You know that. I don’t do that whole partnership thing very well –“

Perry interrupted her again. “Time you learned, darlin’. Now I can give this whole assignment to Kent, here, or you can work *with* him on it. Your choice.”

She knew when to fold. Grudgingly, she nodded. “Fine, Chief,” she muttered. “Now, if you’re done with me – with *us* -” she added as he cocked that eyebrow at her again, “my *partner* and I have work to do. C’mon, Kent!” And she stalked out of the office, trying not to notice if he followed her or not.

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.