You guys are too kind! The feedback this story has gotten -- and this chapter alone! -- has just blown my mind. A huuuuuge thank-you to everyone who's read and commented on this story, and your infinite patience between chapters.

Ann, your compliments on my writing are simply ... wow. I'm speechless. Thank you.

Sheila, thanks for your comments! I so appreciate the feedback, nervous writer that I am. smile Seriously, it's so lovely to hear you've been following this.

LoisLaneWannaBe, thank you! I thought including previous parts would help readers out since I take at least a week (but usually longer) between chapters! Glad to see I was right!

Vive, thanks for the kind words! I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying this story.

And Terry, as always, your feedback is just incredible. Thank you for all your patient encouragement while this plot evolves -- I promise I'll keep posting as it comes!

Again, huge thanks to you all!

~ Crystal

"Not all those who wander are lost." — JRR Tolkien