How nice to see you post this, DJ! I really enjoyed your two-part story about Lois's haircut, but this is so ambitious and well-written, it is interesting on so many levels, you are weaving together a number of hugely interesting plot elements, and you really make me feel that you can turn this into a rich, complex and wonderful story.

As for my favorite part of this story - well, with my preferences, I can tell you I just loved the sweet, waffy and tenderly erotic interaction between Lois and Clark. I love it that they have a child, and you are going to make me even happier if you let them have another one.

But, DJ! Please understand that I can take only so much when you endanger children. You are posting in the PG-13 folder, after all, and while I, a Swede, sometimes shake my head at the way that many American parents seem to accept that their kids get exposed to high levels of fictional violence, I hope that you will protect sensitive readers such as myself from too many bad and horrible things. In other words: Please, please, please don't let anything nasty happen to any of the children in this story!!!

Once again, DJ, it's great to see that you, a newcomer, are posting such an ambitious and well-written story! thumbsup clap
