Anchor: Part II -- Kal-El (36-49)

So, if you made it this far, THANK YOU AGAIN for reading! dance

I hope that this part gave a bit of a different perspective on the events of Anchor Part I. It was...rough at times, but I hope to have left off in a place that seems hopeful for all of the characters. love

I appreciate all of your thoughts on this!

Part III (Lois's POV) is still in the works, so I don't know when (or if) it will get finished/posted. Obviously, Lois has quite a unique perspective on all of this as well and does not have the benefit of telepathy to know what is going on with her Clark or AltClark.

I've also written a short "epi-epilogue" that is meant to be read after parts I and II, and I'll try to get that posted soon as well (to give just a bit more...closure). grin

So.... Thank you all again. Hope you enjoyed. And thank you all for welcoming me to this community the last two and a half months! smile1
